Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Transcendence of Mindfulness

Ann Voskamp the wise says that “faith thanks God in the middle of the story.”

Here I am, caught in the middle.  The middle of life.  The middle of recovery.  The middle of motherhood.  The middle of the waiting.  I have passed through some stories, all of which I can look back on and thank God.  In the midst of those stories, however, I was pretty much cursing God.  I want to understand God from a non-linear perspective.  I want to see God above the spectrum of time.  You see, to God, my story has no beginning, middle, and end. It is complete, a whole.   There seems to be this juxtoposition to the concept of living in the moment.  To be completely present here and now is to step out of time.  You are so enraptured by the glorious, kairos now that you have no concept that you are even within the bounds of time.  God is with us, in the forever now.  There is no “waiting” with God, because all is now.  In His infinite greatness, He has poured eternity into this tiny millisecond, and we can thank Him and see Him in mindfulness and in the hushed, deep, pause.  In God’s transcendence,  there is an eternal present, and if I am deliberate,  I can step out of time into His transcendent now.  I pray for eyes to see and ears to hear the infinite God in this, His timeless moment.